Woodland Heights Medical Center First in Area To Offer New Implantation Access System
Lufkin, TX – Woodland Heights Medical Center is the first facility in Lufkin to utilize a new access system that aids in the implantation of left atrial appendage closure devices.
LAA closure devices are utilized as an alternative to long-term medication for patients with atrial fibrillation, which reduce their risk of stroke. Not all hearts are the same and can be difficult to navigate. The new system offers intuitive handle design and device positioning so the cardiologist has better contol. It is designed to improve implant success by enabling access to a wide range of anatomies while also enhancing device positioning, deployment and release.
VIvek Mangla, M.D., electrophysiologist/cardiologist was the first in Lufkin to use the new system. “When we can offer greater technology for our patients, we will and this system is one way we are doing that,” states Dr. Mangla. “Making sure we can safely treat our patients is important and I am glad to bring this advancement to Lufkin and deep East Texas.”
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Pictured left to right, members of the cath lab team: Eddie Castillo, Lili Carbajal, Dr. Vivek Mangla, Charity Fennell, Megan Berry and Perla Garrido.